Debugging .NET Containers with Visual Studio Code Docker Tools

Магазини за котешка храна

Expedia 2023 air travel hacks

Whether you’re bound for the beach, the big city, or somewhere else entirely, use these four essential air travel hacks to save you more money on trips this year.

Book on a Sunday

The last day of the week can save you up to 15%

Fly in the a.m.

Depart early to lessen the chance of a flight cancellation

Book earlier to save

Book travel 4-6 weeks out to save 10%

Leave on a Wednesday

Mid-week departures save 10-15%

Southern Fried Catfish: How to cook this delicious fish

Southern fried Catfish Ingredients:
3 - 5 Catfish Filets
2 cups Cornmeal
2 cups All Purpose Flour
3 tbsp Yellow Mustard
2 Eggs
2 tbsp Creole Seasoning
1/2 cup Hot Sauce
1 tbsp Paprika
1 tbsp Black Pepper
1 tbsp Salt
1 tbsp Cayenne Pepper

Git Cherry Pick Tutorial

#create a release branch from master
git checkout -b release/1.0.5 master

# get the logs for the source branch we want to cherry pick from
git log develop --oneline

# this is the merge commit for DATA-506
951c3f9 (HEAD -> develop, origin/develop, origin/HEAD) Merge pull request #128 from artnetworldwide/feature/DATA-506

# checkout the destination branch (release/1.0.5), in case we switched branches
git checkout release/1.0.5

# cherry pick
# apply the changes introduced by the commit to the current branch (release/1.0.5)
# it creates a new commit
git cherry-pick 951c3f9

# cherry pick for multiple commits
git cherry-pick HASH1 HASH2 HASH2

DIY – How to build a Horizontal Privacy Screen –

Adding SSH Key to SSH Agent

Check if SSH Agent is running

eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

Add the Keys to SSH Agent

ssh-add ~/.ssh/nameofkey

Verify Keys Added to SSH Agent

ssh-add -l

Copy Key to Remote Server

ssh-copy-id user@remote.server.location

Copy Server Key to Host

ssh-copy-id user@host.local

If you see a warning “Permission 0664 for ‘key_id’ are too open”, do this:

chmod og-rw key_id

Originally posted here: