Пълнени фурми с крема сирене и орехи
Пълнени фурми с крема сирене и орехи
Ingredients: 20-22 empanadas
Empanada dough
Ground Beef Stuffing:
Put 1.5 cups of white beans in a glass container.
Add water, so it covers the beans with 1 or 2 inches of water.
Leave it in the fridge overnight.
On the next day discard the water from the glass container.
Put the beans in a pressure cooker and add water, so it covers them.
Put the lid but do not hermetize it. Bring the water to boil.
Discard the water and add 6 cups of new water.
Put the lid and hermetize. Bring the water to boil.
Reduce the heat just enough to keep it boiling. Boil for 40 minutes.
Release the pressured air. Remove the lid.
Add 1 chopped yellow onion.
Add 2 carrots sliced in small cubes.
Add 1 jar (32 Oz) of milled tomatoes.
Add 3 table spoon of olive oil.
Add salt to taste.
Boil for 15 minutes with closed lid but not presurized.
Turn the heat off. Open the lid and add mint to taste.
It is all done. Leave it to cool off a bit and it is ready to serve.
Картофите се варят с обелки. Извайждат се като са готови.
Морковите се варят за 10 минути заедно с граха.
Яйцата се варят 12 минути след като водата кипне до твърдо сваряване.
Нарязва се всичко на малки кубчета в голяма купа. Добавя се майонезата и солат и се разбърква хубаво. Най – отгоре се слагат маслини за украса.
This is an interesting recipe I would like to try soon:
Mix all these ingredients together to prepare the paste.
Add the meat to the ball and mix. Leave for 30 minutes up to 24h to marinate.
Assemble masala:
Chop tomatoes on small pieces
Washed rinsed and dry baby spinach leaves