How to block YouTube ads

An ad-blocking browser like Brave is—by far—the easiest way to block ads on any site, including YouTube.

The Brave browser is powered by Brave Shields, which block ads, trackers, cookies, and other privacy-harming page elements while you browse. From the minute you download Brave, Shields are up and running to protect your privacy and make your browsing experience clutter-free.


TikTok Copycat

  1. Go to Tik Tock an search for
Motivational Quotes
or Inspirational Quotes

Select something you like, or example:

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.

C.S. Lewis

2. Find a stock video and download it from

3. Edit the video an the quote on


Click on “New Video” => “Create project”.

Upload the video. You can also use their free stock videos if you want.

Go to Settings and choose the size to be TikTok.

Go to Subtitles. Add a separate subtitle line for each video. Choose the styles / effects for the subtitles and align them with the video clips. Correct the position of the subtitles on the screen if needed.

4. Find a viral TikTok video and download the song using

or download music from YouTube using

Then add it to VEED.IO project under Audio.

Once everything looks good, download the video. The free version will have VEED.IO watermark. You either have to get the paid version or use one of the free video editors mentioned here:

Kdenlive provides a good balance between features and learning curve.
Once the video is rendered and downloaded, you can upload it.

5. Go to to monetize your video on TikTok.

Choose a product and generate a HopLink.

6. Go to Linktree and create a free landing page for your bio? This is where you add all of your social accounts.

7. Paste the Linktree link into the TikTok Bio.


You can download the best video and audio by using:

youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio "link to youtube video"

If that gives you an error, try the following instead:

youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/bestvideo+bestaudio' --merge-output-format mp4 "link to youtube video"

Best MP3 audio

youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 5 --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata link-to-your-video

The –audio-quality 0 uses the highest encoding quality but can increase your file size unnecessarily. The default is 5 and might be a better choice depending on the source quality.

youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 5   --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata   "link to youtube video"  

If quality and file size matter to you, you should avoid re-encoding and stay with Youtube’s native music formats:

youtube-dl -f bestaudio[ext=m4a] --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata  "link to youtube video"

resulting in an m4a file


youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata  "link to youtube video"

probably resulting in an ogg file.

The best Karaoke system ever

Everyone knows what Karaoke is. For these who don’t this is the definition from Wikipedia:

Karaoke is a form of interactive entertainment or video game in which amateur singers sing along with recorded music (a music video) using a microphone and public address system. The music is typically a well-known pop song minus the lead vocal. Lyrics are usually displayed on a video screen, along with a moving symbol, changing color, or music video images, to guide the singer.

There are different types of karaoke systems – some are stand-alone hardware devices like this one for example:

karaoke machine

karaoke machine

You can see it has a microphone attached to it, built-in speaker, small display that shows you the lyrics of the song and of course a CD tray where you place the music disk.

Well, it works but has several drawbacks:

  • the speaker is not powerful enough for a bigger room
  • the display is small and hard to read unless you are close enough
  • you need special disks called VCD which is hard to find especially if you are looking for the latest hit of your favourite singer

There are other systems that you connect to your DVD (to play the VCD) and to your TV to show the lyrics.

Another option is to connect your computer to the TV and install something like Karafun player. The program is free but you need again karaoke CD or you can subscribe (not free) to their library or 12 000 songs.

I was willing to give it a try but had difficulty making the microphone work properly and get the signal from it mixed with the song. I was using a regular laptop. The microphone was connected using a stereo jack and I run a cable from the headphones output to my AV receiver and the video output of the laptop was connected directly to the TV. It was not working.

I kept reading and found out I needed a hardware mixer to get the signal from the microphone and the soundtrack mixed before sending this to the amplifier (AV receiver). I kept looking and found this device:



It allows you to connect two microphones and mix them with external audio (connected at the back of the device). In addition it has Voice Canceller – effectively eliminates vocals from any stereo source while retaining most music elements. Also has Integrated digital echo/reverb processor for ultimate vocal enhancement.

My set-up now includes this device with two microphones connected to it. The headphone output from my laptop is connected to the stereo line input at the back of the device. The output is connected to my AV receiver which has 5.1 speakers attached. The video from the laptop is connected to the TV.

Now I can play a video on YouTube and sing. Usually I have the speaker volume of the computer at 50% and the microphone volume at %75. The voice canceller will not eliminate the vocals completely but will suppress it enough to give me an advantage and in the same time allowing me to hear the original vocal to help me stay in sync.

You probably are wondering “What about the lyrics?”. There is an easy solution for this too – all you need is to use Google Chrome to access YouTube and to install Zazoo extension:

youtube - zazoo

Now compare this on a 40-inch LCD TV to the small display with only subtitles. I like this look better 🙂

How To Download YouTube Videos

  1. find the URL of your favorite YouTube video
  2. go to and paste the video URL into their download box
  3. now click “Download” and it will present a list of links to download video in different formats / quality