Remove Proxmox Subscription Notice (Tested to 7.1-10)

Originally posted here:

To remove the “You do not have a valid subscription for this server” popup message while logging in, run the command bellow. You’ll need to SSH to your Proxmox server or use the node console through the PVE web interface.

  • If you have issues and need to revert changes please check the instructions at the bottom of this page.
  • When you update your Proxmox server and the update includes the proxmox-widget-toolkit package, you’ll need to complete this modification again.
  • This modification works with versions 5.1 and newer, tested up to the version shown in the title.

Run the following one line command and then clear your browser cache (depending on the browser you may need to open a new tab or restart the browser):

sed -Ezi.bak "s/(\(\{\s+title: gettext\('No valid sub)/void\(\{ \/\/\1/g" /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js && systemctl restart pveproxy.service


Manual Steps

Here are alternative step by step instructions so you can understand what the above command is doing:

1. Change to working directory

cd /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit

2. Make a backup

cp proxmoxlib.js proxmoxlib.js.bak

3. Edit the file

nano proxmoxlib.js

4. Locate the following code
(Use ctrl+w in nano and search for “No valid subscription”){
  title: gettext('No valid subscription'),

5. Replace “” with “void”

void({ //{
  title: gettext('No valid subscription'),

6. Restart the Proxmox web service (also be sure to clear your browser cache, depending on the browser you may need to open a new tab or restart the browser)

systemctl restart pveproxy.service

How to uninstall Microsoft Office Product Key

  • Open elevated Command Prompt window
  • Execute command to access Office path
CD "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office16"
  • Run command to view the last 5 characters of Office product key
cscript ospp.vbs /dstatus
  • Execute command to uninstall Office product key.
cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:ABCDEX

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    Guacamole cannot connect via SSH – FIX

    If you get “SSH handshake failed” when trying to use Guacamole to connect to Ubuntu via SSH, you need to use a workaround:

    In the meantime a workaround is adding “HostKeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa” to the end of /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the Ubuntu machine and restart sshd. Note: I don’t have an understanding of the security implications of this, so use at your own risk

    The solution was posted here:

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