How to turn an old USB drive into the ultimate recovery tool for (almost) any PC
1. Set Up Passwordless SSH Access
Ensure that the server running Let’s Encrypt (Server1) can connect to the target server (Server2) via SSH without a password:
On Server1, generate an SSH key pair (if not already created):
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096
Copy the public key to Server2:
ssh-copy-id user@server2
Replace user
with the username on Server2.
2. Create a Script for Copying Certificates
On Server1, create a script (e.g.,
) to copy the certificate files to Server2:
scp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_SERVER}:${REMOTE_PATH}/
scp /etc/letsencrypt/live/ ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_SERVER}:${REMOTE_PATH}/
with your domain.
Replace /path/to/certificates
with the directory on Server2 where the certificates should be stored.
Make the script executable:
chmod +x
3. Test the Script
Run the script manually to ensure the certificates are copied successfully
4. Use Certbot’s --deploy-hook
Modify the Certbot renewal configuration to include a deploy hook that runs the script after successful renewal. You can add this directly when renewing or use an existing configuration:
certbot renew --deploy-hook "/path/to/"
Alternatively, edit the renewal configuration file (usually located at /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/
renew_hook = /path/to/
5. Ensure Scheduled Renewal
Certbot typically installs a cron job or systemd timer for automatic renewal. Verify it:
For cron: Check /etc/cron.d/certbot
For systemd: Check certbot.timer
systemctl list-timers | grep certbot
6. Restart Services on Server2 (Optional)
If the certificates are used by a service (e.g., Nginx or Apache) on Server2, modify the script to restart the service:
ssh ${REMOTE_USER}@${REMOTE_SERVER} "sudo systemctl reload nginx"
Now, whenever the certificate is renewed on Server1, it will automatically be copied to Server2 and (optionally) reload the relevant service.
Change Default Display Manager:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm3
Check which display manager is running:
systemctl status display-manager.service or $ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager
Restart GDM:
sudo systemctl restart gdm
The first one works the best. Open an SSH connection to the server and run these commands:
sudo su
cd ~
apt update
apt upgrade
apt -y install lxqt sddm xrdp
systemctl status xrdp
The XRDP port needs to be open in Oracle Cloud and search for ‘Virtual Cloud Networks’. Then select the network and go to the ‘Security Lists’ and click on the default one. Then add ingress rules:
The open the port in iptables by editing /etc/iptables/rules.v4
Make a copy of the rule for port 22 and change the value to 3389
Then run:
iptables-restore < /etc/iptables/rules.v4
Create a file in your home folder (/root) called .xsession
nano .xsession
Alternative videos – they may install a different desktop:
Taken from here:
You’ve used ssh-keygen to create a private key file called id_rsa.ppk. However this is an OpenSSH-format private key and needs to be converted to Putty’s own format to use in Putty.
Your options are:
ssh -i id_rsa.ppk azureuser@vm
and move it there as C:\Users\Aquib\.ssh\id_rsa
(no extension): ssh will now load this file by default to use for all servers that you try to connect toC:\Users\Aquib\.ssh\config
file that tells SSH where to find the key and tell it which servers it should use it for.