IMPASSA Self-Contained 2-Way Wireless Security System (model SCW9057)

This wireless security system is widely used by ADT and companies providing security.

Useful links:

IMPASSA Self-Contained 2-Way Wireless Security System

DSC – IMPASSA Self-Contained 2-Way Wireless Security System – User Video English

DSC IMPASSA 2 Way Wireless Security System

How to Change Master and User Code on DSC Powerseries

How to Program DSC Neo Proxy and PG9939 Keyfob

Default master/installer code

The default code is 1234 or 5555.

It might be changed on your system and if you make few wrong attempts the keyboard will be locked temporarily.

How to reset to factory settings

If you do not have the master code or installer code you are limited in what you can do with the system.

You can do a factory reset and will be able to set your own master code.

NOTE: If you do a factory reset all settings will be lost including any zones, sensor information, etc.

To do a factory reset do the following:

  • turn the AC power off (unplug the transformer)
  • open the front panel (check the user manual on how to do it) and disconnect the battery pack
  • connect IO1 and IO2 with a wire
  • Power the device with AC only. Keep it power for 10 to 20 seconds
  • Power off the device
  • remove the wire between IO1 and IO2
  • connect the battery
  • Turn the AC power on

Now you device is factory reset. You need to configure everything including set the date and time.

The default master/installer code is 1234


If you have the master/installer code you can do things like

  • adding a new user code for a family member or the cleaning lady
  • adding new sensors
  • programming new wireless remote

Add new user

[*][5] [1][2][3][4]  [<][>]     [*]               [9][7][1][3]     [#]
       master code   select user      to access code    new user code    exit

Delete user

[*][5] [1][2][3][4]  [<][>]     [*]               [*]      [#]
       master code   select user      to access code    delete   exit

Letsencrypt + Certbot

Letsencrypt provides free SSL certificates

Certbot automates re-newal and installation of the certificates

Install Certbot:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install python-certbot-apache

Generate and install the certificate

$ certbot --apache

Generate the certificate only

$ certbot --apache certonly

Generate wildcard certificate

$ sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --email --server --agree-tos -d *


The Certbot packages on your system come with a cron job that will renew your certificates automatically before they expire. Since Let’s Encrypt certificates last for 90 days, it’s highly advisable to take advantage of this feature.

$ sudo certbot renew --apache

[XPS 15 9560/Precision 55520] FIX for Lag/Stuttering on Kaby Lake

I bought a Dell XPS 15 9560 recently and after setting it up and updating all drivers, etc. I noticed there was a lag/stuttering when using Google Chrome browser.

It turns out I was not alone – apparently many people noticed the same problem. I came across this reddit thread which helped me to fix the issue: [XPS 15 9560/Precision 55520] FIX for Lag/Stuttering on Kaby Lake

The problem seems to be a buggy driver for the Intel HD Graphics 630 display adapter.

The most current version (as of the time of writing) on the Dell web site is version

In order to fix the problem you need to download version from the Intel’s web site: Intel® Graphics Driver for Windows []

EDIT (17 April 2017): You should see a yellow banner on Intel’s site saying there is a newer version of the driver:

It is version and it is working fine on the same computer I installed 4590 before. You may wanna use the newer one. The steps below are the same regardless if you use 4627 or 4590.

There is .exe and .zip file. Download the .zip file and save it on your disk. Extract the files.

Right-click the start button and run Device Manager:

Expand the Display Adapters, right-click Intel(R) HD Graphics 630 and select Update Driver Software…

Important: In the dialog below do not click Next or Browse. Instead click on Let me pick from a list of devices on my computer.

You will see a list of devices. This just shows the graphic card and what drivers are installed. You may have more than one driver installed for the same graphic card. This is normal – when a newer version is installed the old one is kept so you can revert back to an older driver if you want.

Important: The picture below shows one of the items selected – this was my mistake. You do not have to select one. Just click Have Disk… to continue.

Navigate to the folder where the drivers were unzipped. Open the Graphics folder. In my case the full path is C:\Users\Vicki\Downloads\win64_154514.4590\Graphics

There should be an .inf file. Select it and click Open.

This should start the installation. After it is complete verify the driver has version

Note: The steps might be different for you since I took the screen-shots after I had the new driver installed.

The important part is to not click Next but to choose Let me pick from a list of devices on my computer as mentioned earlier.

This seems to fix the lag/stuttering I was experiencing. I hope this works for you too.

Ubuntu updates via command line


sudo apt-get update        # Fetches the list of available updates
sudo apt-get upgrade       # Strictly upgrades the current packages
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  # Installs updates (new ones)

Clean up the system from old packages:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove

Check the Ubuntu version:

lsb_release -a

Force Apt-Get to IPv4 or IPv6 on Ubuntu or Debian

You can force IPv4 with:

apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv4=true update

or IPv6:

apt-get -o Acquire::ForceIPv6=true update

To make this persistent,check this post out:

How to install Mono on Ubuntu

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF

echo "deb wheezy main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mono-xamarin.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install mono-runtime

How to install .Net Core on Ubuntu 16.04

Add the dotnet apt-get feed

In order to install .NET Core on Ubuntu, you need to first set up the apt-get feed that hosts the package you need.

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/dotnetdev.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 417A0893
sudo apt-get update

Install .NET Core SDK

Before you start, please remove any previous versions of .NET Core from your system by using this script.

sudo apt-get install dotnet-dev-1.0.0-preview2-003121

Initialize some code

Let’s initialize a sample Hello World application!

mkdir hwapp
cd hwapp
dotnet new

Run the app

The first command will restore the packages specified in the project.json file, and the second command will run the actual sample:

dotnet restore
dotnet run

And you’re ready!

You now have .NET core running on your machine!

Source: .Net Core on Ubuntu

How To Watch Netflix on Ubuntu The Easy Way

I was trying to find a way to watch Netflix in Ubuntu 14.04 In the past you had to install Wine and Silverlight. Since Google Chrome 37 it should work natively. Still I was getting Error Code: M7063-1913

It turns out some libraries were messed up. Apparently the problem is fixed in 14.10 Alpha but I wanted to keep running the oficiall stable version.

I step by step instructions on how to get Netflix to work in Google chrome in Ubuntu 14.04 are available here:

How To Watch Netflix on Ubuntu The Easy Way