You can back up VMware VM for free using script. Everything you need is here:
I was unable to download it directly to the the VMware server because wget v1.19 refused to download form https:// url.
Instead I downloaded the file to my Windows machine and used WinSCPPortable to upload the file to the server.
To extract the files do:
Go to ghettoVCB-master folder and make the scripts executable:
chmod +x
chmod +x
Add a new NFS share as a datastore “backup”. This is where we are going to store the backup files.
Create some folders and configuration files. A typical way to execute the script is:
./ -f vms_to_backup -g global_config/vm_global.conf
To schedule a cron job add the following line to /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
0 0 * * 1-5 /scratch/ghettoVCB-master/ -f /scratch/ghettoVCB-master/vms_to_backup -g /scratch/ghettoVCB-master/global_config/vm_global.conf > /vmfs/volumes/backup/ghettoVCB-backup-$(date +\%s).log
Then add the following to /etc/rc.local.d/
/bin/kill $(cat /var/run/
/bin/echo “0 0 * * 1-5 /scratch/ghettoVCB-master/ -f /scratch/ghettoVCB-master/vms_to_backup -g /scratch/ghettoVCB-master/global_config/vm_global.conf > /vmfs/volumes/backup/ghettoVCB-backup-\$(date +\\%s).log” >> /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root
In order to allow the script to send emails you need to:
Step 1 – Create a file called /etc/vmware/firewall/email.xml with contains the following:
outbound tcp dst 25 true false
Step 2 – Reload the ESXi firewall by running the following ESXCLI command:
~ # esxcli network firewall refresh
Step 3 – Confirm that your email rule has been loaded by running the following ESXCLI command:
~ # esxcli network firewall ruleset list | grep email email true
Step 4 – Connect to your email server by using nc (netcat) by running the following command and specifying the IP Address/Port of your email server:
~ # nc 25 220 ESMTP Postfix
To perform a dry run restore do:
./ -c vms_to_restore -d 1
To perform a real restore do:
./ -c vms_to_restore